HiberWorld Wiki

Hiber allows you to both play others' games and create your own! In this section, the basic controls are described for both when using Hiber on PC or Mac. On mobile you navigate through the touch screen and the HUD.

Basic Controls for Game Creation

This is a list of the basic controls when creating games on PC or Mac.

  Look around - Mouse
  Move around - WASD
  Jump - Space
  Fly - Double click Space
  While flying:
  Up - Hold Space
  Down - C
  Select asset - 0-9
  Place asset - Left Mouse Button
  Remove asset - Right Mouse Button
  Browse asset - E
  Rotate asset - hold R, T or Y and click Left/Right Mouse Button

Basic Controls for Playing

This is a list of controls when playing games on PC or Mac.

  Look around - Mouse
  Move around - WASD
  Jump - Space
  Shoot projectile - Right Mouse Button

Tutorial for basic game creation in Hiber demonstrating the control scheme
